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Trusted Shops, EHI, Geprüfter Webshop, etc.: The Trust Seals for Your Online Shop in Germany

What is meant by “trust seals” or certificates for online shop?

To confirm that an online shop or website is credible, customers most often look at the trust signals, those are for example reviews, recommendations and trust seals. Online stores with a certificate guarantee: security, availability and assurance that ordered parcels will arrive without any problems.

How do the certificates work and what guarantee do they offer?

There are many providers on the Internet who put their certificates online even without checking them. But how can the ordinary customer know which certificates are really credible? To answer this question, let’s take a look at the meaning and guarantee of the trust seals.

Acquiring the certificate

Basically, trust seals are signs, in the form of a visible logo, that signal to the website visitor that this online store meets certain quality and security standards. They are awarded by an institution following a verification as part of a certification process and are only given to companies that meet all of the transparent criteria. In Germany, the test criteria include for example: service quality, data and consumer protection, user-friendliness, transparency and security of the ordering as well as the payment process. The certificate then indicates a general number of trust points that characterize a website’s security.

Guarantee of the certificate

In order to check the guarantee of the trust seal, you should take appropriate measures. To check if it is a real trust seal, simply click on the image of the seal in the online shop. Then click either on the first link that leads to the official page of the trust seal or on the ratings of the online shop. In both cases, it should be possible to land at the page of the trust seal provider. This way you can easily recognize that it is a valid seal.

An example of warranty testing of the trust seal – Source: jolynclothing.de

If you are not redirected to another page or if the trust seal appears to be “blocked”, it is most likely a fake or self-created seal. Although this can usually also be recognized by the general appearance of the e-shop.

Which trust seals do we recommend?

Nowadays, there are many providers who can issue you with a certificate. Some specialize in a specific area, some are more popular than others. However, it is important to note that an online store with too many certificates looks rather suspicious. Therefore, the average number of certificates should be 2-3 certificates per e-shop. Which certificates are applicable for most websites and which ones would we recommend? Read on to find out.

The recommended trust seals

The best-known certificates in Germany (and their criteria, validity and costs) are listed below.


One of the best-known certificates is the “EHI geprüfter Online-Shop” (eng: “EHI-certified online store”). It contains many criteria (over 200 evaluation criteria) that online store operators must fulfill. As EHI has certified over 650 e-shops, this widespread trust seal is one of the most popular ones in Germany.

Source: ehi-siegel.de

Trusted Shops

The “Trusted Shops” trust seal is the best-known certificate for websites, as there were around 25,000 certified stores with this provider in 2019. In addition to the quality seal, Trusted Shops also offers special buyer protection, where customers’ purchases are insured up to €100. Many shoppers find this helpful as they are insured against fraud.

Source: trustedshops.de

Geprüfter Webshop

One of the trust seals that are important for online stores is “Geprüfter Webshop”. This seal also helps to give customers a secure feeling during online shopping.

Source: gepruefter-webshop.de

Datenschutz ips Gütesiegel

The ips trust seal, abbreviation for Internet Privacy Standards, mainly relates to data protection standards and data security. Your website is checked according to the criteria catalog regarding data protection law and information security of the system environment.

Source: datenschutz-cert.de


This seal is particularly suitable for large companies, such as hornbach.de or saturn.de. As the trust seal has a major impact on your e-shop, it is important to first confirm the size of your company.

Source: tuvsud.com/de-de/

Other trust seals


Another practical trust seal is Proven Expert. Since more than 705,600 companies have this certificate, it is clearly a legitimate seal provider. This provider offers a very good option – a free ProvenExpert seal with the following features:

Source: provenexpert.com/de-de/


​​Next on our list is the eKomi seal, which is used in more than 15,000 online shops. The benefits of using eKomi are not only more satisfied customers, but also protection against the spread of artificially generated reviews, which are currently often the cause of customer mistrust

Source: ekomi.de


This certificate is one of the most affordable trust seals. However, it is not particularly well known and can therefore be overlooked by many companies. 

Source: bonicert.de


The Internetsiegel is given to an online store based on the 100 test criteria. It promises the security and data protection of customers, which can also lead to higher sales.

Source: internetsiegel.net

Specific Certificates

Each sector of online shops also has specific certificates that differ depending on the product. For example our client bread.cz, who sells food and therefore has to have the food standard certificates.

Conclusion – One more trust seal to success

There are many other certificates and trust seals that you can use to complete your online shop. Which seal you choose in the end is now in your hands.

Since customers trust more websites with trust seals or reviews, certificates are a good way to increase sales. And if you want to achieve quick success, it would certainly be the best to rely on Trusted Shops.

But also bear in mind that small companies may not be able to pay the fees and therefore may not have a certificate. A small company without a trust seal is not automatically unsafe. In any case, it is always best to check the website before purchasing. Regardless of whether you are buying a trust seal or a product.